
  • 10 of the Best Corporate Biopics Ever

    Corporations are people. The Supreme Court said so. Basically — back it 2010, when it clarified that businesses have the same First Amendment rights as actual people. It kind of tracks: a lifetime spent swimming in brands has made our relationships with corporations as vital as any we share with flesh-and-blood humans. So why not…

  • 10 Fictional AI, Ranked by How Likely They Are to Kill Us All

    10 Fictional AI, Ranked by How Likely They Are to Kill Us All

    Mrs. Davis is a genre-bending new take on artificial intelligence: Here is a TV series in which an action hero nun takes on an AI with dream of world domination. (If this is the first you’re hearing of it, well, it’s on Peacock, so.) The show kinda pits faith against technology, though it’s not nearly…