
  • How to Spot Fake Viral Footage From the Real Horrors in Ukraine

    How to Spot Fake Viral Footage From the Real Horrors in Ukraine

    Amid the alarming images of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine over the past few days, millions of people have also seen misleading, manipulated or false information about the conflict on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and Telegram. One example is this video of military jets posted to TikTok, which is historical footage but…

  • Here’s Your COVID Vaccine Rumour Roundup

    Here’s Your COVID Vaccine Rumour Roundup

    Two COVID vaccines are now available in the US, and are currently being administered to healthcare workers and residents of long-term care facilities. But it’s new, and new things are scary, and both COVID and its vaccine have been relentlessly politicised. Rumours are flying.

  • That Viral Video About a COVID-19 ‘Cure’ Is Wrong

    That Viral Video About a COVID-19 ‘Cure’ Is Wrong

    There’s a viral video out there — removed from many platforms, but there’s a good chance you’ll see it soon if you haven’t already — in which a doctor standing in front of the Supreme Court steps claims that “you don’t need masks” because “there is a cure” for the coronavirus. It’s wrong and dangerous.