
  • You Should Plant Artichokes and Asparagus Right Now

    You Should Plant Artichokes and Asparagus Right Now

    When you think about the expensive vegetables at the store, you know, the really sexy ones that have “a season,” you’re usually thinking of perennial vegetables. Somewhat ironically, they’re the most chill. Plant them once, kick back, and wait for them to pop up on their own, year after year.

  • 11 Things You Use (or Eat) That Aren’t Made the Way You Think

    11 Things You Use (or Eat) That Aren’t Made the Way You Think

    We’re so used to seeing finished products, it’s hard to imagine that they were once anything else. But nails, staples, springs, and chains all started life as spools of wire, and a bunch of other household objects and foods have even more surprising origins. Here’s a tour — starting with some bad news about silk.…

  • 13 Plants You Probably Shouldn’t Even Try to Grow Indoors

    13 Plants You Probably Shouldn’t Even Try to Grow Indoors

    Indoor plants are a great way to brighten up your home, whatever climate you live in. As the world has increasingly shifted to a work-from-home model, having indoor plants has become even more popular — a 2021 survey found close to 90 per cent of respondents kept at least one houseplant.