3 Signs Your Marriage Won’t Last, According to a Wedding Photographer
A wedding photographer shares the three key signs that tend to indicate a marriage is headed for divorce. Here’s what they are.
Why ‘Revenge Cheating’ Never Works
Infidelity is a cut to the heart. If you’ve been cheated on, you probably feel a myriad of emotions from resentment and anger to hurt and betrayal. Not surprisingly, you might even feel like you want to hurt your partner back for the pain they’ve inflicted, including participating in revenge cheating.
How Soon Is Too Soon for Couples Therapy?
You’ve been dating a pretty great person for a few months, but there’s just one problem — when you aren’t snuggling and getting along, you’re pushing each other’s buttons, resulting in some big flare-ups. This person has many wonderful qualities and you can see a future with them, so you don’t want to break up…
How Couples Should Decide Whether Counselling Is Worth It, According to Therapists
Marriage counselling can be difficult, but it is often wise to invest time in your relationship to see if it can be improved. About 44% of couples go to marriage counselling prior to tying the knot. Research also suggests that couples therapy positively impacts 70% of couples receiving treatment. A couples counsellor is unbiased by…