- $40,000 Budget Shortfall: Why Planning Matters
The bad news? 2014 conference in Perth has ended up running at a $40,000 loss. The good news? Because the Linux Australia committee planned carefully, that doesn’t mean the end of LCA events. The lesson for everyone? Keep an emergency fund and track your spending carefully.
The Deadline Effect: Nothing Ever Happens Until The Last Minute
The graph above shows the number of proposals for talks submitted for graphed against the deadline for submissions. This reaffirms what we’ve long known: if you set a deadline, most people won’t do anything about it until the last possible minute.
Watch Lifehacker’s LCA2012 Presentation Video
We’ve already published the whole presentation, but if you want to see the live-as-it-happened-with-bonus-questions speech I gave at in Ballarat last week, it’s now online.
Cheap Tabloid Tricks: The Truth About Linux, Open Source And The Media
Linux and open source technology should be a good news story for everyone. However, the way these topics are presented in the media often leaves enthusiasts unhappy. There is a widespread belief that open source alternatives are neglected in favour of commercial products; that coverage often distorts the facts and exaggerates conflict rather than offering…