Does Sex Position Matter When You’re Trying to Get Pregnant?
If you and your partner ready to start a family, you might be wondering what you can do to increase your chances of getting pregnant sooner rather than later. From taking care of your own health to the timing (and position) of sex, here’s what you need to know as you start trying to conceive.
How To Support Someone You Love Through Infertility
About 10 per cent of women have difficulty getting pregnant or staying pregnant, so chances are good that someone you love is facing or will face infertility. But if you haven’t experienced it yourself (or even if you did but your circumstances were different), it might be hard to know what to say or do…
How To Remove Pregnancy And Baby Ads From Your Facebook Feed
Maybe you bought a baby shower gift off an online registry. Or maybe you googled “ovulation calculator”. Or maybe a bunch of your friends have infants and you liked one of their posts. Whatever the reason, your Facebook feed is now flooded with ads for pregnancy and baby products, and it is the worst.
How To Answer ‘The Baby Question’ When You’re Infertile
I once heard a comedian say, “Never ask a woman if she’s pregnant unless you actually see a baby’s head coming out of her legs.” Sage advice — too bad no one ever takes it. I can’t tell you how many times people asked me if I was pregnant, if I was planning on getting…