
  • 11 ‘Facts’ From Medieval History That Are Just Plain Wrong

    11 ‘Facts’ From Medieval History That Are Just Plain Wrong

    What was life like in the Middle Ages? If you believe what you’ve seen in movies — or maybe even what your history teacher told you — you might expect that people died young, never bathed, were ignorant of anything going on outside their community, and stood a decent chance of being tortured in a…

  • What to Know About Decorating With Nude Art

    What to Know About Decorating With Nude Art

    Nudity is so weirdly controversial and has been, to one degree or another, for centuries. It’s also been a big deal in art and expression for just as long, which is evident by most of the world’s most famous and priceless old statues freeballing for everyone to see. Actually, they’re doing more than freeballing —…

  • How to Wear Vintage Clothing Without Destroying It

    How to Wear Vintage Clothing Without Destroying It

    Let’s say you’ve purchased the perfect vintage shirt at a flea market, or discovered a box of your parents’ or grandparents’ clothing in the attic and found something that actually fits. Then, after an initial assessment of the garment, you determine that it’s still got some life left in it, and decide to wear it.…