human rights

  • How Much Privacy Do Your Extremely Online Friends Owe You?

    How Much Privacy Do Your Extremely Online Friends Owe You?

    I have sympathy for influencers. Seriously. I’m closer to obscurity than I am to celebrity, but a quick google search of my name will provide evidence enough that I’m “extremely online.” As a writer, Twitter may as well be my LinkedIn. As a comedian, TikTok is like my resume. Likes, comments, and followers — for…

  • Do Therapy Apps Really Protect Your Privacy?

    Do Therapy Apps Really Protect Your Privacy?

    It’s no surprise that after a year of unprecedented (remember that word?) isolation, there was a significant surge in users seeking out remote therapy and mental health apps. In terms of increasing mental health awareness and decreasing mental health stigma, more people seeking out help is a positive thing. However, as with anything you download…