
  • The Safest, Quickest Way to Get Hot Grease Out of a Pan

    The Safest, Quickest Way to Get Hot Grease Out of a Pan

    I am a bit of a grease hoarder, a habit I come by honestly. My grandmother kept a fairly substantial crock of the bacon grease right next to the stove, and every day she would top it off with the fat that rendered out that morning’s bacon. (I’m sure the grease at the bottom of…

  • How to Properly Dispose of Grease and Oil

    How to Properly Dispose of Grease and Oil

    If you are in the habit of cooking delicious food, you probably cook with some kind of fat. And whether you’re making olive oil-fried eggs, fries cooked in beef tallow, or extremely bomb chicken nuggets, you’re going to find yourself with a certain amount of leftover cooking fat, which needs to be repurposed, reused, or…