Girls Doubt Their Own Financial Skills More Than Boys – And It’s Holding Them Back
Female high school economics students underestimate their skills more than their male counterparts, new data shows.
Teach Girls To Raise Their Hands Even When They Aren’t Sure Of The Answer
Last October, Alice Paul Tapper, a Year 5 student in Washington, DC, wrote an op-ed in The New York Times that had women of all ages nodding in solidarity. On a Year 4 trip, Tapper noticed that “all the boys stood in the front and raised their hands while most of the girls politely stayed…
Teach Girls To Think About What Their Bodies Do Instead Of How They Look
You’re not just imagining it. Girls are starting to think about their ideal body at an earlier age. In her book Beauty Sick: How the Cultural Obsession with Appearance Hurts Girls and Women, psychology researcher Renee Engeln cites the infuriating data: Thirty-four per cent of five-year-old girls deliberately restrict what they eat at least “sometimes”.…