
  • Why You Don’t Need to Sterilise Your Soil

    Why You Don’t Need to Sterilise Your Soil

    Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic triggered what’s been called a “global garden boom,” there has been a renewed interest in various methods and strategies for improving growing conditions for houseplants and outdoor gardens alike.

  • How to Grow a Permaculture Food Forest in Your Yard (and Why You Should)

    How to Grow a Permaculture Food Forest in Your Yard (and Why You Should)

    Modern gardening often involves weeding, turning the soil, fertilisation, and pest control. But permaculture is the practice of growing a garden with the least amount of intervention possible, relying on companion planting, native insects, and adding cover crops to control weeds. In a permaculture food forest, fruit trees are combined with other plants to produce…

  • Why You Should Stop Watering Your Plants in the Middle of the Day

    Why You Should Stop Watering Your Plants in the Middle of the Day

    You’re doing it wrong. That’s what I tell most gardeners when I see them outside on a hot day, sunscreen and sunhat in hand, enthusiastically plonking petunias and tomatoes in the ground with the sun beating down overhead. It’s what I say, shaking my head in disbelief, as I pass the neighbour’s place, where the…