Ask For Business Cards From Shops To Write Reference Notes
Everyone should have a filing system, even if it’s just a box you throw stuff into. Unclutterer suggests using business cards in these systems to make notes for reference, relieving you of having to remember things.
Use Company Logo Labels To Make Filing Easier
If you keep paper copies of bills and other important documents, filing them can be a drag. Lifehacker reader James made the process easier by cutting the logos from envelopes and using those to label each individual category in his filing cabinet.
How To Make The Transition To Digital When You’re Addicted To (And Sometimes Still Need) Paper
Everyone’s moving toward a paperless society. The digital revolution is undoubtedly friendlier for trees, electronic files are much easier to find and back up, and everyone saves on printing and mailing costs. However, there’s always some paperwork you can’t help getting in dead tree form. And some dinosaurs — like me — occasionally work best…