fabric softener

  • How to Remove Pet Hair From Your Washing Machine and Dryer

    How to Remove Pet Hair From Your Washing Machine and Dryer

    As much as we love our pets, sometimes our furry friends provide us with more than love and affection: They also leave hair all over our homes and clothing. And while there are ways to deal with the fur coating everything you own, somehow, no matter what you do, some always ends up in the…

  • How to Kill Mould In Your Washing Machine

    How to Kill Mould In Your Washing Machine

    Have you ever opened your washing machine only to be met with a foul, funky stench? Did you shrug and ignore it? Me too. But it got worse, didn’t it? Until eventually, your newly washed clothes smelled like mildew. We both had mould and bacteria growing in our washers and befouling our laundry. Luckily, it’s…

  • 10 Items You Need to Stop Putting in the Dryer

    10 Items You Need to Stop Putting in the Dryer

    Lately, my toddler has been putting all sorts of items in the dryer. He sees me putting clothes in it, and he wants to help, but he still hasn’t figured out that only certain items are meant for the dryer. The result is that I have to check very carefully before turning the dryer on,…

  • 16 Household Uses for Dryer Sheets Outside of a Dryer

    16 Household Uses for Dryer Sheets Outside of a Dryer

    The smell of fresh laundry isn’t just for laundry — dryer sheets are aromatic little papers that are actually good for much more than de-wrinkling and de-static-ing your clothes after a wash. Their structure makes them useful in some unexpected ways, from repelling bugs to renewing pots and pans, so here are 17 ways to…