dryer ball

  • How to Remove Pet Hair From Your Washing Machine and Dryer

    How to Remove Pet Hair From Your Washing Machine and Dryer

    As much as we love our pets, sometimes our furry friends provide us with more than love and affection: They also leave hair all over our homes and clothing. And while there are ways to deal with the fur coating everything you own, somehow, no matter what you do, some always ends up in the…

  • Fabric Softener Is Total BS

    Fabric Softener Is Total BS

    We’ve already covered why you should stop using dryer sheets — now it’s time to vanquish the next unnecessary step in your laundry routine: fabric softener. I know, you like how it makes your clothes feel! (And smell.) If you’re a longtime user, you’d be forgiven for thinking in fabric softener’s absence, all your clothes…