
  • How Often You Need to Wash Your Dog’s Food Bowl

    How Often You Need to Wash Your Dog’s Food Bowl

    Ask five people with dogs how often they wash their pet’s food bowl, and you’ll probably get five different answers. While there are likely several reasons for this, one is that despite the fact that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued hygiene protocols on dog food dish contamination, not many people —…

  • The Smartest Ways to Use Dishwasher Tablets to Clean Your House

    The Smartest Ways to Use Dishwasher Tablets to Clean Your House

    Did you know you could use dishwasher tablets in way more places than just your dishwasher? Turns out, we’ve all been sleeping on the lesser known uses of these compact cleaning agents. Since they’re designed with bleach and enzymes to remove stains, combat hard water, and eat through grease, those little pods can pack a…

  • It’s Time to Stop Pre-Rinsing Your Dishes

    It’s Time to Stop Pre-Rinsing Your Dishes

    I always pre-rinse my dishes. While I’m no nutcase — I don’t actually wash them before placing them in the dishwasher racks — leaving the remains of a runny egg, clingy sauce, or (gasp) oatmeal on my crockery and expecting my Whirlpool to do the heavy lifting simply feels wrong.

  • Can a Microwave Really Sanitize Your Dirty Sponges?

    Can a Microwave Really Sanitize Your Dirty Sponges?

    Let’s just start here: Kitchen sponges are disgusting. A 2017 study published in’s Scientific Reports found that used kitchen sponges harbored a whopping 362 different types of bacteria, in a staggering density of 45 billion microbes per square centimeter. According to the report, kitchen environments host more microbes than toilets, “mainly due to the…