
  • Maybe Don’t Update ‘Tears of the Kingdom’

    Maybe Don’t Update ‘Tears of the Kingdom’

    For a game as complex as The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, it’s remarkably bug-free. You can run around Hyrule, build whatever you want, and dive from the sky all day without encountering a single issue. Still, as with all software, a few glitches have popped up, which Nintendo has now patched in…

  • Chat With AI to Summarise Obnoxiously Long PDFs

    Chat With AI to Summarise Obnoxiously Long PDFs

    AI is great at summarizing text, which can save you a lot of time you would’ve spent reading. But we can do better: Rather than receive a simple summary of any given text, what if we could chat with the AI about it, answering specific questions and diving deeper into the material? It just so…