decision making

  • Don’t Bet With ChatGPT

    Don’t Bet With ChatGPT

    The past few years have seen an explosion of progress in large language model artificial intelligence systems that can do things like write poetry, conduct humanlike conversations and pass medical school exams. This progress has yielded models like ChatGPT that could have major social and economic ramifications ranging from job displacements and increased misinformation to…

  • Use the 37% Rule to Make Better Decisions

    Use the 37% Rule to Make Better Decisions

    When it comes to making decisions, are you the kind of person who immediately knows what they want, quickly decides, and rarely second guesses your choice? Or are you more of the “go to the bottomless pits of the internet to research every available option before spiraling into analysis paralysis despair” kind of decision-maker?

  • The Science Behind Why First Impressions Matter

    The Science Behind Why First Impressions Matter

    Picture yourself standing at the edge of a road, trying to decide if it’s safe to cross. It’s night time and rain is falling, making it difficult to see what’s up ahead. After looking both ways, you step onto the road. But what if this was a poor choice? Perhaps you’ve misjudged the speed of…