critical thinking
Record a Video of Yourself When You’re Happy to Look at When You’re Sad
The thought of recording a video for your future self sounds silly, evoking thoughts of the third grade, when you were perhaps directed to write a letter to adult you.
Wisdom Is Just Thinking Before You Act
Heraclitus of Ephesus was a Greek philosopher sometimes known as “The Obscure” or the “Weeping Philosopher” who lived from around 535 BC to 475 BC. He suggests that wisdom is easier to achieve than you may think…
Pixar Adds A Storytelling Class To Its Khan Academy Lineup
A couple of years ago, Khan Academy and Pixar teamed up for Pixar in a Box, a series of courses meant to show off how Pixar gets things done. They have expanded their initial offering quite a bit since launch, and now they have added a storytelling section.
Why Doubt Can Be A Good Thing For Your Health Goals
Doubt is essential to your health goals, says Mark Sisson. If you’re too sure and get stuck on your beliefs, you end up ignoring the other possibilities that can lead to the real ah-ha moments that help you break through plateaus and reach your goals. So, have a little doubt.