
  • Don’t Give Up, You Can Re-soften Stale Cookies

    Don’t Give Up, You Can Re-soften Stale Cookies

    Freshly baked cookies are comfort food at its finest, and when stored properly, they should keep their integrity for close to a week. But occasionally, accidents happen. Soft cookies get left out on the table, or forgotten about on the counter, and they go prematurely stale. No one is more disappointed than me by a…

  • Give Your Cookies a Helpful Oat Bottom

    Give Your Cookies a Helpful Oat Bottom

    Recently, I found myself in possession of a pathetic amount of groats. Not enough to make a snack, but enough to feel wasteful if it met the trash can. Although this small conundrum was frustrating at first, I ended up with a “when life gives you lemons’’ discovery. It turns out you can make better…