
  • The Difference Between a Good and Bad Follower at Work

    The Difference Between a Good and Bad Follower at Work

    Often called the “other side of leadership,” followership is an important factor in career success. This is to find value in someone else’s vision, follow it, question and challenge it, but also ultimately support it — even if you don’t agree with it. A follower asks questions, listens well, and offers guidance and perspective. They…

  • What to Write in a Resignation Letter (and What Not To)

    What to Write in a Resignation Letter (and What Not To)

    When you get a new job, you’re thinking about the future: New responsibilities, a new office, a new title, new coworkers. But you also have to show a little respect to the past, even if it was miserable. That means you may have to write a resignation letter to accompany the more informal discussion you’re…

  • 4 Ways to Build a Better LinkedIn Profile

    4 Ways to Build a Better LinkedIn Profile

    The idea of a “personal brand” might seem like the purview of celebrities and influencers. But if you’ve spent any time on LinkedIn, you’ll know it’s something anyone can develop with well-crafted posts and engagement. In recent years, students and young professionals have turned personal branding into a tool for success in competitive, global job…