
  • Pancake Bread Pretty Much Makes Itself

    Pancake Bread Pretty Much Makes Itself

    My best breakfast days are right after a grocery shop when the fridge is stocked with everything I need. This is shortly followed by the awkward days before my next shop, in which I Frankenstein meals together with random cabinet finds. It was during such an awkward day that I discovered pancake bread.

  • Dry Roast Some Nuts for a Better Bowl of Cereal

    Dry Roast Some Nuts for a Better Bowl of Cereal

    Some mornings I feel like I have nothing edible in my kitchen, usually after a missed grocery run. This time, my options were my sometimes-nemesis, oatmeal, or the dregs of Raisin Bran. (Not all cereal is bland and flavourless, but Raisin Bran really toes the line.) To save myself from a morning of chomping while…

  • You’re Flipping Your Pancakes Too Hard

    You’re Flipping Your Pancakes Too Hard

    After watching a TikTok on pancake flipping, I got to thinking about whether or not I had been doing it wrong my whole flippin’ life. I turn with my wrist but I don’t get a horrible splash, like in the video. It turns out, it’s more about the power behind the move than if you’re…