How to Attract Ground-Dwelling Bees to Your Garden (and Why You Should)
Spring means flowers, and where there are flowers, there will be bees. These pollinators are a crucial part of the ecosystem, facilitating reproduction for many plants and playing a crucial role in the food chain. But what a lot of people don’t realise is that most bees don’t live in hives. Seventy per cent of…
Plant These Succulents to Attract Pollinators to Your Garden
When we think of plants that attract pollinating insects, flowers with stamens, pistils, and visible pollen come to mind. But not everyone lives in an area where growing plants of that variety is feasible.
How to Get Carpenter Bees Out of Your Yard Without Killing Them
Bees may be small in size, but they play a major role in ecosystems, pollinating trees, flowers, and other plants. But one type of bee does more than pollinate: the carpenter bee.