
  • 17 Times Someone Won an Oscar for the Wrong Movie

    17 Times Someone Won an Oscar for the Wrong Movie

    It’s a truth universally accepted that the Oscars doesn’t always (or even often) get it right. While there are some truly head-scratching victors among the ranks of Academy Award winners, it’s also true that Oscar often likes to play catch-up, rewarding filmmakers and actors for late-career work when they probably should have won for something…

  • 10 of the Biggest Acting Comebacks After a Scandal

    10 of the Biggest Acting Comebacks After a Scandal

    It’s tempting to call it the slap heard ‘round the world, except that quick-thinking production techs silenced the moment when Will Smith struck Chris Rock at the 94th Academy Awards (somehow just six months ago). There’s no need to relitigate the incident, nor to reignite the discourse that dominated the news and social media for…