
  • Avoid Using These Rude Phrases (And What to Say Instead)

    Avoid Using These Rude Phrases (And What to Say Instead)

    Being an effective communicator involves more than simply saying what’s on your mind. Your tone, body language, facial expressions, and, of course, the words and phrases you use have a major impact on whether others are open to hearing your thoughts, questions, and requests. And while most people probably don’t want to come across as…

  • The Best Way to Respond When Someone Insults You

    The Best Way to Respond When Someone Insults You

    Chances are, if you’ve gone through high school, you know what it’s like to be insulted right to your face. But insults aren’t solely the work of a schoolyard bully — adults dole them out, too. You might deserve the next insult you get, or you might not. Either way, you have a few options…

  • You’re Probably Using These Psychological Terms Wrong on Social Media

    You’re Probably Using These Psychological Terms Wrong on Social Media

    When I first joined TikTok in 2020, I couldn’t go a day without seeing videos about narcissists, “toxic” exes, or emotionally absent parents. While narcissists obviously do exist, the content was so prevalent that you’d be forgiven for thinking narcissists were as common as people named Bob. Narcissism had become the new “OCD” — that…