
  • 3 Surprisingly Practical Uses for Dryer Lint

    3 Surprisingly Practical Uses for Dryer Lint

    Cleaning your dryer’s lint trap after every load is a must if you want to keep the machine running efficiently and safely. Scraping out that pile of bluish-grayish-pinkish fluff is probably something you do without thinking, but before you toss it into the trash as per usual, stop. What if you didn’t throw the lint away?…

  • A Common Stomach Bug May Help Cause Crohn’s Disease, Study Suggests

    A Common Stomach Bug May Help Cause Crohn’s Disease, Study Suggests

    A nasty but short-lasting stomach bug may have lingering consequences for an unlucky few. Researchers have found evidence in mice and human cells that norovirus infection can trigger Crohn’s disease in people already genetically predisposed to it. The findings may also help scientists one day find better treatments for the chronic gut condition.

  • How to Keep New Towels From Shedding Everywhere

    How to Keep New Towels From Shedding Everywhere

    New, freshly washed towels are great… until you use one and find yourself covered in lint. Even after you wash them again (and again), this problem can persist. Blame this frustrating process on the waxy, water-repellent layer of fabric softener that coats most new towels. While it’s intended to keep them looking extra plush and…