Kevin Purdy

  • When It’s OK To Write For Free

    Doing freebie articles and blog posts is almost universally considered a terrible move for your career and for the entire writing trade. However, there are times when you should take off your Serious Ethics hat and try giving away your thoughts.

  • Why You Should Buy Your Formal Wear Used

    It’s smarter to buy your tuxedoes, hats, cashmere sweaters and other more formal items second-hand whenever possible. As men’s clothing blog Put This On explains, it’s not just because it’s cheaper, but because second-hand formal wear is often better quality than new.

  • Mood-Lifting Advice From The 1820s

    Slightly cold bath water, business, amusing books and “Short views of human life — not further than dinner or tea”. Such is the advice Sydney Smith sent to Lady Georgiana Morpeth in 1820 about “low spirits”. Much of it makes for good personal mantras (or at least fun Facebook replies). [via Boing Boing]