Beth Skwarecki

  • The Best Quad Exercises for Leg Day

    The Best Quad Exercises for Leg Day

    Ready for leg day? I’ve already shared my favorite exercises for hamstrings and for your glutes (a.k.a. your butt). It’s time to tackle the main muscle group we think of when we think of legs: the quads. What are the quads?  Your quadriceps are a group of four muscles on the front of your thighs.…

  • The Best Exercises for Beefier, More Powerful Hamstrings

    The Best Exercises for Beefier, More Powerful Hamstrings

    For strong, powerful legs, you need to work both your quads (on the front of your thighs), and hamstrings (on the back). For the quads, squats are a given. But what are the best exercises to hit the hammies? Read on for a breakdown of how to work this muscle and my picks for the…