How To Sew Pouches For Injured Australian Wildlife

Australia’s bushfire crisis has devastated local wildlife populations, with an estimated one billion animals being wiped out by the fires. Millions more are in need of dire assistance, and you can help out – it’s as simple as cracking out a needle and thread.

The Animal Rescue Collective Craft Guild (ARCCG) is a charity group that provides handcrafted materials to animal rescue organisations like pouches, wraps and nests. To help the animals devastated by the Australian bushfire crisis, the ARCCG has provided a range of official patterns for these items that can easily be made at home.

They’ve been helpfully collated by craft supplier Spotlight if you’d like to join in the effort.

Rescue organisation WIRES NSW recommends that all pouches are made from eight-ply pure wool or 100% cotton, which you can source from your local craft store, like Spotlight or Lincraft.

The patterns themselves are easy to learn, with simple sewing options as well as complex crochet patterns for more experienced crafters. With a range of patterns for bats, birds, joeys, wallabies and other wildlife, there’s something here for even the least experienced craftmakers – and anything you can contribute helps.

Spotlight has encouraged people interested in donating to head to their local stores for information about drop off points, and donations can also be co-ordinated via the ARCCG’s Facebook page. These donations will help rescue organisations across Australia nurse impacted animals back to health.

[referenced url=”” thumb=”×231.jpg” title=”The Animal Response To Bushfires Is Astounding” excerpt=”Have you ever wondered how our native wildlife manage to stay alive when an inferno is ripping through their homes, and afterwards when there is little to eat and nowhere to hide? The answer is adaptation and old-fashioned ingenuity.”]


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