Budget mobile telco Amaysim has now become an ISP as well. It has just unveiled its suite of National Broadband Network (NBN) plans with unlimited data with no lock-in contract. Read on to find out more.
Last year, Amaysim bought ISP AusBBS and announced its intention of becoming an ISP. It has taken its first real step to become one. The company has revealed three NBN plans that it will be offering soon:
Now, based on pricing comparisons, these are by no means the cheapest NBN broadband plans available. The major drawcard would be the no lock-in contract arrangement which would suit people who are living in rental homes or individuals who move around a lot.
Customers can choose to use their existing NBN -ready modem or get one from Amaysim although it’s unclear whether that will be free as part of a package deal. There’s also no information on whether there will be a connection fee as well.
Amaysim is planning to launch the NBN plans within the next 90 days. If you’re interested in the service, you can register your interest here.
[referenced url=”https://www.lifehacker.com.au/2016/08/dealhacker-the-cheapest-unlimited-nbn-plans-in-each-australian-city/” thumb=”https://www.lifehacker.com.au/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2016/08/Ethernet2-410×231.jpg” title=”Dealhacker: The Cheapest Unlimited NBN Plans In Each Australian City” excerpt=”The NBN might not be available everywhere, but if you live in the heart of a major Australian city you’re pretty spoiled for choice. Deciding which plan to sign up for can therefore be a bit daunting. If you require lots of data at the cheapest possible price, this roundup of unlimited NBN plans will help to narrow down your selection.”]