Reader lookitsash saw this floating, wall-mounted workbench from a few years ago and decided to improve on its design in his own home. He did, and then shared it with us, and it looks like a huge improvement.
Photo by Ash.
I’ll let him speak for himself:
I like this design. I used it as inspiration for my folding workbench. Mine uses floating supports though so no legs actually touch the ground. Its still very sturdy though. Check out the details at my blog at…
I also beveled the edges for a nice finish and used small gate bolts to lock the swinging legs into place (in case i accidentally knocked one in with my leg)
Most notably, the standing IKEA legs are gone from the original design, replaced with folding wall supports that are sturdy but also collapsible, so the work surface folds down to meet the garage wall when it’s not in use. Similarly, instead of the work surface folding up over the pegboard with the tools on it, the tools are still accessible with this design, so even when you’re not using the workbench, you can still get to your tools (and you don’t need to unfold the workspace just to grab a drill or nail gun, which is a nice way to address a good complaint with the original workbench).
Lookitsash also bevelled the edges a bit to make them easier to manage, and added locks to the legs and the surface so it all stays put. Hit the link below for the full walkthrough of how he made everything, and get inspired to make your own small-space DIY space.
Building a Folding Workbench with Storage [Just Measuring Up]
Lifehacker’s Workshop column covers DIY tips, techniques and projects.