
  • Why Do Some Knives Have Dimples?

    Why Do Some Knives Have Dimples?

    When buying a knife, there’s a lot to consider: Blade length, blade material, handle material, blade shape — there is a good bit going on, but most of us understand their purposes. But then there are blades with dimples, divots, and depressions. Why are those there? And do you need a dimpled blade?

  • A Firearm Lingo Glossary For Non-Gun Nuts

    A Firearm Lingo Glossary For Non-Gun Nuts

    There are a lot of gun terms thrown around in the media these days, like “clip,” “casings,” and “semi-automatic.” But if you’re not familiar with firearms, many of these terms might go over your head. This glossary of common gun lingo will help clear things up so you can be an informed part of the…

  • How Do Missile Defence Systems Work?

    How Do Missile Defence Systems Work?

    You’re probably aware that developed nations such as Israel, Russia and the United States have missile defence systems. But do you know how these systems work? Or how effective they are? They’re not the impenetrable shield you think they are.