Why You Should Stop Bringing Your Laptop to Class
With all the apps and digital tools available to enhance your studying, plus how fast and easy it is to type notes, it seems like a no-brainer to bring your laptop with you to class. But it actually might be a no-brainer in the literal sense: There’s good reason to believe taking notes by hand…
15 Things You Should Avoid When Using a Rapid Antigen Test
Many of us have taken a rapid antigen test (RAT) or have administered them to our school-aged children. But how many of us are using them correctly? Here are 15 pitfalls to avoid if you want to get the most out of your RAT. 1. Storing at the wrong temperature RATs should be kept at…
What Your Paediatrician Should and Shouldn’t Do During a Physical Exam
As parents, we should trust our kids’ doctors. But we should also be aware of what is standard procedure, and what is not.
Why Victorians Need to Continue to Get Tested for COVID-19
Lockdown won’t be over until the number of positive cases falls. And there’s a risk that a desire to end restrictions might discourage Victorians from getting tested.