tabbed browsing
Take A Five Limits Your Distractions With Self-Destructing Browser Tabs
The internet has a tendency to bring even the most productive of days to a grinding halt. Take a Five lets you create a browser tab for distractions that self-destructs after a set time limit of your choosing.
Spaces Manages Chrome Windows, Saves Tab Layouts For Later
Chrome: The person who invented browser tabs was obviously a genius, but it left us with the problem of managing multiple open tabs. Spaces makes it easier by allowing you to save and jump between open windows of various tabs.
Swipe Along The Navigation Bar To Switch Tabs In Chrome
Android (5.0+): In Lollipop, Google introduced a new style of tab management that treats individual Chrome tabs like distinct apps. If you have on-screen buttons, you can switch between related tabs by swiping along the navigation bar.
Tab Snooze Hides Tabs Until You Need Them
Chrome: Most of us tend to have a lot of tabs open. If you use tabs as reminders, Tab Snooze is an extension that makes managing that a little easier.