
  • 12 of the Best Gifts for Someone Who Needs Help Relaxing

    12 of the Best Gifts for Someone Who Needs Help Relaxing

    You know when you are checking out at a department or drug store during the holiday season and you see those big, pre-made gift baskets filled with lotion and fuzzy socks? Those are fine. I usually get, like, two or three of those as gifts every year, and I have no real issue with fuzzy…

  • What to Expect When You Start Hypnosis for Anxiety

    What to Expect When You Start Hypnosis for Anxiety

    If fear and anxiety have gained a hold on your life, you know they can feel like they’re consuming everything. You can medicate or meditate, read self-help books, or try to push through on your own — but it’s always best to admit when you need help, then seek it out.

  • It’s Time to Reduce Stress With Some Virtual Forest Bathing

    It’s Time to Reduce Stress With Some Virtual Forest Bathing

    Taking a walk in a forest can been deeply calming. Even if it’s just off the beaten path and you’re swatting mosquitoes away, you’re someplace different than the houses and buildings where you probably spend your life. A hike or a camping trip, or even a meditative half-hour in the park, can help you unplug for…