You Really Can Use Paint to Make a Room Look Bigger or Smaller
No house or apartment is perfect. Even if it seems perfect when you first move in, your needs will shift over time, and you might wake up one day and realise your bedroom, office, or the living room looks too small, too big, or otherwise weirdly shaped. Changing the physical characteristics of a space is…
Why ‘Under-Sharing’ Is Just As Bad As Oversharing (and How to Stop Doing It)
High-intensity emotions like anger, fear, anxiety, and despair are straight-up exhausting. It’s only natural to want to keep them to ourselves so as not to upset others — or come off as an uncouth over-sharer. But going too hard in the opposite direction is just as harmful in its own way. Here’s what chronic under-sharing…
What Does Space Smell Like?
There is much to ponder in the infinite mysteries of outer space, but…what’s it smell like? It turns out that much, if not all, of the seeing the wonders of space would be accompanied by a distinct aroma — or stench. Space has a smell, but it’s only astronauts (and perhaps your odd corporate CEO…