postpartum pain clinic

  • How To Pick Up A Baby Without Hurting Your Back

    How To Pick Up A Baby Without Hurting Your Back

    New parenthood comes with a certain amount of pain: There’s the delivery, of course, and the rather searing experience of learning to breastfeed a newborn. But aside from those delivery-specific pains, the new parent or caregiver might find herself nursing back, shoulder, neck,and wrist pain – all from hauling around the tiny new bundle of…

  • How To Push A Stroller

    How To Push A Stroller

    Caring for an infant comes with a host of physical ailments, from the typical and predictable (fatigue) to the somewhat unexpected (neck, back and wrist pain). It’s amazing how a tiny baby can wreak such havoc on a caregiver’s musculoskeletal system, and many new parents find themselves gritting their teeth through all kinds of physical…