Keep Your Space Clean With Regular “Purge” Days
I am admittedly a pretty messy person. I persistently have stacks of items around my office, and sometimes my home that I plan to get to “later” however, as my boyfriend can tell you, that later more often than not never comes. Which is why I recommend scheduling it.
How To KonMari Your Spice Rack (and Actually Use The Spices)
Now is the winter of our discontent and—due to something happening on Netflix—people seem to be managing this discontent by getting rid of all their shit. I’m into it. I have always been a fan of purging, and this extends to my fridge, freezer, and cabinets. (I do a fridge re-organisation at least once a…
How To Prepare Your Kitchen For The Tastiest New Year Ever
Cooking and eating at home is one of the best ways to save money and eat nutritiously, but you need a clean and organised kitchen to do it effectively. Having a neat and tidy fridge and pantry makes it easier to see exactly what you have, meaning you’re able to craft better meals, and waste…