occupational burnout

  • The Best Books to Help You Find Work-Life Balance

    The Best Books to Help You Find Work-Life Balance

    An easy way to figure out if you have a healthy work-life balance is by asking yourself the question, “If there were a book I wanted to read, would I have time to do it?” OK, that’s a little reductive—and too specific, since maybe what you really want to do is join a recreational softball…

  • How to Avoid Exercise Burnout

    How to Avoid Exercise Burnout

    Maintaining a balanced exercise routine without getting burnt out on your workouts can be tricky. Making progress requires challenging your body, but that can lead to overtraining if you aren’t careful. Having a predictable workout routine can help maintain consistency, but can also result in boredom and lack of motivation. Having goals can help keep…

  • What Kind of Burnt Out Are You? (And Why It Matters)

    What Kind of Burnt Out Are You? (And Why It Matters)

    By now, many of us are burnt out. In addition to the stresses about our health and safety, we’ve had to worry about job losses, changes in working conditions, as well as juggling family and work in a way that is even more exhausting than the usual. (And the usual wasn’t all that great either.)…