
  • How to Write an Online Listing so Your Stuff Actually Sells

    How to Write an Online Listing so Your Stuff Actually Sells

    Whether you’re moving soon, doing an end-of-season closet clean-out, or simply offloading items that are taking up space and not getting any use, selling online is an easy way to make some cash on your no-longer-needed goods. But to get buyers’ eyes on your stuff and convince them to purchase what you’re selling—quickly—you need a…

  • The 10 Best Chrome Extensions for Holiday Shopping

    The 10 Best Chrome Extensions for Holiday Shopping

    Long gone are the days of driving to the mall, battling crowds, and fighting tooth and nail for the last toy on the shelf. Holiday shopping is all online now, and that presents new varieties of stress. How do you know if you’re getting the best deal? Has this item been cheaper in the past?…