jack o lantern
The Best Ways to Extend a Jack-o-Lantern’s Life
Want to make a jack-o-lantern last until Halloween and beyond? Carving pumpkins is a quintessential Halloween act—but anyone who’s ever attempted it knows that once a pumpkin is carved, its lifespan is nearing its end. Squirrels will eat them (though there are ways to prevent that), and unless you’re careful, your jack-o-lantern can get rotten…
Stop Throwing Your Rotting Pumpkins in the Bin (and Do This Instead)
The only thing sadder than a sunken, desiccated, mould-covered Jack-O-Lantern on your front step is one in your trash can. Even if you don’t have a compost pile in your backyard, there’s just no good reason to send your castoff Halloween decorations to the landfill — you can put them to good use in other…