
  • Why the ‘Slow Fade’ Is Worse Than Ghosting

    Why the ‘Slow Fade’ Is Worse Than Ghosting

    Many people can’t stomach the confrontation of a break up, so they might offer the vague promise of continuing the relationship with a series of noncommittal overtures. Basically, they might kind of, sort of, maybe have time for you eventually, but in reality they’re hoping the relationship will slowly whither without having to definitively put…

  • The Best Way To Reach Out To Someone You Ghosted

    The Best Way To Reach Out To Someone You Ghosted

    So you ghosted out of someone’s life without warning, and now you want to reconnect. Maybe you weren’t ready for a real relationship. Or maybe you were just scared. Whatever it was, you’ve moved past it, and want to reach out to give it another shot. Here’s what you can try.