3 Surprisingly Practical Uses for Dryer Lint
Cleaning your dryer’s lint trap after every load is a must if you want to keep the machine running efficiently and safely. Scraping out that pile of bluish-grayish-pinkish fluff is probably something you do without thinking, but before you toss it into the trash as per usual, stop. What if you didn’t throw the lint away?…
How to Remove Pet Hair From Your Washing Machine and Dryer
As much as we love our pets, sometimes our furry friends provide us with more than love and affection: They also leave hair all over our homes and clothing. And while there are ways to deal with the fur coating everything you own, somehow, no matter what you do, some always ends up in the…
Never Dry These Clothing Items on High Heat
Even though I’ve been doing my own laundry for 20-odd years, and laundry is at minimum a thrice weekly household duty of mine, there are some — ok, a lot of — care instructions that I never bothered to learn. As long as my whites weren’t coming out grey or being shrunk to the size…
How to Keep New Towels From Shedding Everywhere
New, freshly washed towels are great… until you use one and find yourself covered in lint. Even after you wash them again (and again), this problem can persist. Blame this frustrating process on the waxy, water-repellent layer of fabric softener that coats most new towels. While it’s intended to keep them looking extra plush and…