dental equipment
You Should Be Cutting These Foods With Dental Floss
As we’ve mentioned before, dental floss has many practical uses beyond getting crud out from between your teeth. You can use it as thread, a stand-in for picture-hanging wire, and to support “climbers” in your garden. This pillar of proper oral hygiene can also cleanly and effectively slice certain soft foods — minus all the…
How to Clean Your Night Guard, Because It’s Grosser Than You Think
When I got my dental night guard, the woman who made the molds was adamant that I only, only, rinse it with warm water every day and occasionally, let the soft bristles of my toothbrush scrape any excess mouth detritus from its delicate features. This would be enough, she assured me. (I was sceptical.) She…
How to Wean Your Toddler Off Their Pacifier
The pacifier can be a wonderful thing: It can soothe a fussy baby, help them fall asleep, or offer a temporary distraction. Plus, once breastfeeding is established, the American Academy of Pediatrics says offering one at nap times and bedtime can help reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). But at some point,…