
  • Quit Making Boring Scrambled Eggs

    Quit Making Boring Scrambled Eggs

    Scrambled eggs, as a concept, are straightforward, but there are endless ways to tweak them to manipulate their flavor and consistency. I do not claim to know them all (I just said the possibilities are endless), but I do have a few favorites I turn to time and again—for both fluffy and creamy scrambles—and I’d…

  • Your Frittata Might Need a Piece of Metal in It

    Your Frittata Might Need a Piece of Metal in It

    Inevitably, almost every conversation I have with anyone I meet turns into a food conversation. Maybe 80% of those are about eggs. It wasn’t until a recent egg conversation with Mashable Editor-in-Chief Alesha Williams Boyd that I understood that not everyone likes their eggs custardy. Here I was, thinking most folks yearn for a French-style…

  • Pretend You Actually Care It’s Christmas With ‘The Flip’

    Pretend You Actually Care It’s Christmas With ‘The Flip’

    I don’t mean to brag, but one of the best things about being estranged from most of my family (aside from self-preservation) is that I don’t have to give a shit about the holidays if I don’t want to. And most years, I don’t. Most years, I coast and shimmy in my snow globe of…