
  • ‘Natural’ Skincare Is a Lie

    ‘Natural’ Skincare Is a Lie

    Adding manufactured substances to our skin is pretty unnatural, when you think about it. Even the most “natural” skincare products have their ingredients extracted, chemically formulated, and processed in some sort of industrial facility. It’s become popular to call some commercial skincare products “clean” or “natural” in contrast to others, but the terms actually don’t…

  • 12 Myths About Sunscreen You Need to Stop Believing

    12 Myths About Sunscreen You Need to Stop Believing

    We’re heading into sunscreen season, and as we crack open those fresh bottles (or peel the wrapper off those spray cans) there are a bunch of myths about sunscreen that it’s time to leave behind. I’ll spoil the ending for you: Sunscreen works, and the best kind to use is the kind you’ll actually wear.…

  • 14 Unexpected Household Uses for Nail Polish Remover

    14 Unexpected Household Uses for Nail Polish Remover

    Mmm, nail polish remover. That sweet-smelling elixir — wait, sorry. I was sniffing my nail polish remover and I blacked out for a minute. We all know this pungent beauty staple definitely does not smell sweet. But the same chemical that provides its trademark unpleasant scent is what makes it great at cleaning dirt, grime,…

  • 15 Clever Ways You Should Be Using Coffee Grounds Around the House

    15 Clever Ways You Should Be Using Coffee Grounds Around the House

    I don’t mean to be alarmist, but you really need to stop throwing your coffee grounds away. Like, now. Do you know how wildly versatile they are? How many glorious, non-intuitive ways you can repurpose the remains of your morning cup of joe around your home, your garden — even your body? Their microbial, anti-inflammatory,…