confidence tricks

  • 13 Persistent Online Scams (and How to Avoid Them)

    13 Persistent Online Scams (and How to Avoid Them)

    Everyone being online all the time, especially over the past few pandemic years, has been very good for criminals. According to the Federal Trade Commission, consumers lost more than $US5.8 ($8) billion to scammers in 2021 through such a wide variety of ruses and boondoggles, it would take a library to describe them all.

  • Why You Shouldn’t Speak When You Get a Robocall

    Why You Shouldn’t Speak When You Get a Robocall

    Being asked “can you hear me?” by a caller might seem innocent enough, but even a one-word answer of “yes” could put you at risk of a scam. In rare cases, phone scammers can record your voice with the intent to impersonate you in order to make fraudulent purchases, but it’s more likely they’re simply…

  • 5 Pandemic-Era Travel Scams and How to Avoid Them

    5 Pandemic-Era Travel Scams and How to Avoid Them

    Some 53% of Americans are planning at least one trip this year, and scammers will be following them every step of the way. Whether you’re booking flights or rental cars online; at the airport; or even in your hotel room, scams are everywhere. And we’re not just talking about garden-variety phishing texts, either — as…