
  • #CensusFail: IBM Slammed For Failing To Block Puny DDoS Attacks

    IBM and Nextgen have been blaming each other for the failure of Census 2016. Based on today’s Senate Economics References Committee hearing into #CensusFail, it appears both companies were at fault to some extent. Nextgen may have incorrectly implemented geoblocking aimed at mitigating distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks while IBM acknowledged it should have…

  • IBM And The ABS Census: Let The Blame Games Begin

    In the wake of the Census debacle that happened this week, there’s been a lot of finger-pointing as to who was to blame. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has put the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and IBM, the company hosting and managing the Census website, on notice, expressing his disappointment over Tuesday’s website meltdown. Well,…