census 2016
Briefly: Census Findings, SNES Classic Games, Optical Illusions
Brief news items of note for Lifehacker readers, including: 2016 Australian Census at a glance, 10 games that should have been on the Nintendo SNES Classic, Volvo’s driverless cars can’t figure out kangaroos.
#CensusFail 2016: ABS Fluffed Off Concerns About DDoS Attacks
Remember the #censusfail incident last year when millions of Australians were unable to fill out the mandatory Census online because the website was slammed by a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack? It appears the ABS was overconfident about the website’s ability to fend of a DDoS attack.
Census 2016 Report Card: Outage To Cost Australian Taxpayers $30 Million
This year’s Census was nothing short of a spectacular debacle after the website where Australians were to fill out the survey went down for nearly two days. Last night, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) chief David Kalisch fronted the Senate Estimates in parliament to answer questions about the incident. We found out that the…
Ask LH: What Happens If I Don’t Complete The Australian Census?
Dear Lifehacker, I never got around to filling out the Australian census on census night (I tried a few times, but the website wasn’t working.) I was wondering what the odds are of me actually receiving a fine from the ABS? If they send me a letter and I ignore it, what happens next? Also,…