
  • Be a Finance Squirrel

    Be a Finance Squirrel

    When it comes to tricking yourself into saving more money, think like a squirrel. Just like squirrels bury nuts to prepare for winter, we can squirrel money in order to prepare for economic dry spells. And while we’re taking money lessons from squirrels, they crucially don’t store all their bounty in one place.

  • The Signs That Your Finances Aren’t As Bad As You Think

    The Signs That Your Finances Aren’t As Bad As You Think

    For anyone burdened with debt, fighting lifestyle creep, and overwhelmed by the current state of inflation, it’s all too easy to feel as if your finances are in disarray. You might be plagued with anxiety and assume that you’re “bad with money.” But when we live in a state of anxiety, we make worse financial…

  • You Can Get a Rolex for ‘Cheap’ Right Now

    You Can Get a Rolex for ‘Cheap’ Right Now

    Most of us can’t afford a Rolex (or other high-end luxury watches, for that matter). But if there ever were a time that those closest to that financial milestone would be able to afford one, it’s now. According to a report from Morgan Stanley, pre-owned luxury watches have fallen in price because the market has been…