
  • 5 Easy Ways to Add Usable Storage Space Under Your Stairs

    5 Easy Ways to Add Usable Storage Space Under Your Stairs

    One spot that represents a lot of wasted space is below any set of stairs. There’s often a huge void of space underneath, enclosed in drywall. Even if that space is open to the air, it’s kind of difficult to put to good use due to the angle of the stairs above. Of course, if…

  • You Should Consider Painting Old Wood Floors (Hear Me Out)

    You Should Consider Painting Old Wood Floors (Hear Me Out)

    The first apartment I rented as a poor twenty-something had crappy wood floors that were painted brown, a fact I never much thought about until years later, after I bought my first house and had to tear some absolutely heinous green carpet up off our stairs. Underneath I discover pitted, cracked, and downright ugly treads…